Matthew has beaten cancer twice, navigated through severe mental health challenges, and is now thriving as a husband and father.
He passionately advocates for confronting our challenges directly and has dedicated himself to sharing his journey with cancer and mental health. His goal is to inspire others to confront their own difficulties with resilience and courage.
It's a well-known fact that each of us will face adversity in various forms—be it physical, mental, or emotional. Hardships are an inevitable part of our lives.
In a world that often provides tempting escape routes to avoid these challenges, he firmly believes that steering clear of difficulties is the wrong approach.
Matthew is passionate about sharing his story and lessons he learned with schools, organizations and businesses. Drawing from his experiences, he shares what has helped him live a life with hope, despite past challenges or ones he might face in the future.
"Matthew is a captivating and effective speaker. He has spoken at the Vancouver Doffodil Ball in support of the Canadian Cancer Society three out of my 10 years as a ball co-chair. There is no doubt that each time Matthew attends we set a new record for funds raised in support of cancer research. It's a loud group of almots 600 guests but Matthew always commands their attention and the room is silent when he is at the podium."
Jennifer Traub Partner @ Cassels & Brockwell and Daffodil Ball Co-Chair
"I've had the pleasure of knowing Matthew McKinnon since 2017 when he began supporting the Canadian Cancer Society as a spokesperson, keynote speaker and public ambassador for our programs and brain cancer research. Matthew has an incredible ability to capture a room - I've seen him quiet down a raucous crowd of 500+ people until you can hear a pin drop. He speaks passionately and authentically about his experiences, sharing his positive outlook with audiences every time he speaks. One of his most impressive skills as a speaker is sparking curiosity, empathy and action in others. Through this work as a powerful public speaker, Matthew contributes to a better society for us all."
Sheila Dong VP, Communications @ Canadian Cancer Society